Revising the Zonal Complementarity Model in the Eastern Slopes of the Cumbres Calchaquíes: Contributions from Household Archaeology (Tucumán, Northwest Argentina)
Agustina Vazquez Fiorani

The aim of this work is to communicate the archaeological data obtained in the identification and material analyses of archaeological sites from the Regional Developments Period(10th to 15th century AD) on the eastern slopes of the CumbresCalchaquíes (Northwestern Argentina). Advances in the researchescarried outin Anfama valley led to the delimitation of three areas of human activity, which are presented and characterized schematically in this paper. We propose to draw on this new information to think about the zonal complementarity model applied to northwest Argentina, the social dynamics of groups settled in theCalchaquí region during the second Millennium and their relation with the surrounding space through the analysis of domestic space.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jaa.v7n1a3