By the Name of Nature but against Nature: An Ecological Study of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
Mahdi Bakhtiari Hojjat, Esmaeil Najar Daronkolae
Journal of Anthropology & Archaeology, 1(1), pp. 01-11.

The relationship of people with nature is usually expressed in different ways, and certainly literature is one of them. Nature as one of the indispensable elements of writing has drawn the attention of many writers specifically the novelists. In this study, the researchers attempt to apply ecocritical analysis of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. The researchers also show how the relationship between man and nature which had been sympathetic and harmonized in Romantic period changed to cruel and heartless one in industrial and capitalistic Modern time; and how Conrad’s Heart of Darkness meticulously shows this alternation.

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Hojjat, Bakhtiari Mahdi., & Daronkolae, Najar Esmaeil. (2013).By the Name of Nature but against Nature: An Ecological Study of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Journal of Anthropology & Archaeology, 1(1), pp. 01-11.

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Mahdi Bakhtiari Hojjat
Master of Arts in English Literature
Kharazmi University, IRI

Esmaeil Najar Daronkolae
PhD Student in Drama and Dramatics/Theatre
Ohio State University, USA